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42 Einträge
Maryam Maryam aus Ploen schrieb am November 4, 2018 um 6:04 pm
Jennifer is my teacher in KAHA class. She has made an energetic and quite friendly atmosphere in the class which make every moment of our KAHA very very enjoyable. I feel totally lucky to have her as my KAHA trainer in Ploen! 😍😗
Lidia Lidia aus Hamburg schrieb am August 6, 2016 um 2:49 pm
Jennifer has organised a cooking master class at my place. The idea was to learn how to make fast and easy dishes. Jennifer truly knows her stuff and the whole experience was perfectly planned. She has prepared all ingredients and distributed the tasks among the participants so everyone had something to do and could learn about the whole process at the same time. The food turned out amazing! It looked like a sophisticated gourmet dinner but it wasn’t difficult to make, and the cost of the ingredients was also very reasonable. We were all given the copies of the recipes to recreate it by ourselves at a later time. It was also a lof of fun to cook together I would recommend inviting Jennifer for a master-class if you want to gain cooking skills, or learn how to combine various ingredients, or just learn a couple of new dishes in a great atmosphere.😃
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